Introduction to C for Python Programmers

Instructor: Dmitri Rozmanov (University of Calgary, Research Computing Services)

It is a good idea for any researcher who writes programming code, to know a least two programming languages, a high level powerful interpreted language to do prototyping and quick development, and the second, a lower level fast compiled language that can be used when maximum performance is required for brute force computations. What pair of languages to choose is a matter of taste and personal preference. Perl and C, R and Fortran, or Python and C++ could be those pairs.

In this course we will overview the C and C++ programming languages and see how they relate to Python. We will look at how C++ can be a good addition to your Python skill set and and why it is an especially good compimentary copmpiled language for Python.

Target audience: general

Duration: 3 hours

Level: beginner

Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Python will be required.

Laptop software: All attendees will need to bring their laptops with wireless access and with a remote SSH client installed (on Windows laptops we recommend the free edition of MobaXterm; on Mac and Linux laptops no need to install anything).