Events for fall 2021
Point Gaussian representation in ParaView

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Events for fall 2021


WestGrid’s bi-weekly training webinars take place every second Wednesday at 10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central. For upcoming sessions, click the linked title to see more details or to register. For past sessions, click on the title to view recordings and slides.

DATE                     TOPICSpeaker                            
Sep-29Remote visualization on Compute Canada clustersAlex Razoumov 
Oct-13Container-based approach to bioinformatics applicationsTannistha Nandi 
Oct-27Easier parallel Julia workflow with Dagger.jlMarie-Helene Burle 
Nov-10Highlights from the 2021 SciVis ContestAlex Razoumov 
Nov-24Upscaling with PyTorchMarie-Helene Burle 
Dec-08Installing software using EasyBuild in your cluster home directoryAta Roudgar

Other workshops

DATE                          EventLocation                         
Sep-23Taking Git one step further - collaborating through GitHubOnline for UBC Research Commons
Sep-27 to Oct-25UofA’s Fall Research Computing BootcampOnline by the UofA
Oct-04 and Oct-05Visualization with Paraview (EN)National training workshop
Oct-14Multi-processing in JuliaOnline for UBC Research Commons
Oct-18 and Oct-19Parallel Julia workshopInvited for a 3rd party
Nov-02 and Nov-03Visualization with Paraview (FR)National training workshop
Nov-18Using Deep Learning to increase image resolutionOnline for UBC Research Commons
Dec-09Working with shared and distributed arrays in JuliaOnline for UBC Research Commons